4 things to keep in mind when interpreting results sent by a drug test service

If you’re an employer who has recently received your employee’s drug testing results, you might be overwhelmed by what you see. Fret not, because we have some tips that may be of use for employers like you.

Read more below to learn about four things to think about when reading through drug test results sent by a drug testing service.

What should employers keep in mind when interpreting results sent by a drug testing service?

  • Verify the subject’s name and identification number — It’s essential that the first step you take during the interpreting process is to verify that the name and identification number of the subject is correct. In the event that the information on the results is incorrect, you should contact the test provider immediately.
  • Each report will likely list several drugs — Most lab reports, regardless of negative or positive status, will list the names of a variety of drugs that a person has been tested for. The mere presence of a drug on the list does not indicate that a person has tested positive.
  • Consider the type of panel — The results of a drug test depend on the type of panel test. For instance, a five-panel drug test can only detect up to five types of drugs. These types of panels usually test for the top five most common drugs. A twelve-panel drug test can detect a wider variety of drugs in a person’s system, like prescription drugs.
  • Check for lab notes — Be sure to look for any notes that may have been included in a separate section of the lab report. This section may contain important details and information not included in the main section of the report.

Keeping in mind tips like these, as well as researching the best type of drug test for your employee, is essential when using a drug testing service. For example, if your employee is receiving long-term opioid treatment, your best bet is using a urine drug test. It’s also important to know when you could receive a false-positive or false-negative result on a test. Background Experts has done the research, and our team knows all there is about the drug testing process. Don’t hesitate to come to us with any questions or concerns about your employee drug tests and how our services can benefit your business.

Seeking background screening or drug testing services for your business? The Background Experts team is here to help!

Doing employee background checks can be frustrating and time-consuming. Fortunately, our Background Experts team can take this task off your hands. Our team members have 30 years of combined experience in performing employee background screenings, and we’re fully FCRA certified. We also offer a wide range of screening services that can help HR managers and hiring agents ensure that their potential employees are fully vetted and ready to get to work. 

Contact our team today for more information about our services or to talk to one of our background screening experts.