How can your business benefit from working with a background screening service?

Researching the ways your business can benefit from a background check service? According to a recent ResumeBuilder survey, about 1 in 3 people lie or make up information on their resumes. This statistic shows why your company could benefit from a service like Background Experts.

What exactly is background screening?

Are you not sure what exactly a background check is? It’s the process of looking into an individual’s history, or “background.” Background checks can show a person’s criminal history, education, certifications and more. They’re usually used by companies to determine if a job applicant or employee qualifies for the job.

Why should I use a service like this?

Pre-employment checks can be useful for many reasons. Some important reasons include:

  • Higher employee retention rate — The screening process can help employers weed out job applicants who were not completely honest about their job qualifications. At Background Experts, we tailor our screening packages for your industry.
  • Increased security in the workspace — Another reason to use a background check service is to create a safer workplace environment. Background Experts can alert employers of any criminal records, falsified certifications and more.
  • Reduced company liability — Working with a background check service can protect your business. Neglecting to screen new hires during the hiring process can make businesses vulnerable to lawsuits. Background Experts can help protect your company from legal issues.

We believe in better screening for a better world. We are dedicated to giving you the most detailed and accurate background checks for your business.

Seeking background screening services for your business? The Background Experts team is here to help!

Doing employee background checks can be frustrating and time consuming. Fortunately, our Background Experts team can take this task off your hands. Our team members have 30 years of combined experience in performing employee background screenings, and we’re fully FCRA certified. We also offer a wide range of screening services that can help HR managers and hiring agents ensure that their potential employees are fully vetted and ready to get to work. 

Contact our team today for more information about our services or to talk to one of our screening experts.